Moldova to Acquire Advanced Military Systems, Including Air Space Monitoring and Missiles

“The Ministry of Defense is engaged in several projects that will modernize the National Army, with outdated military equipment being replaced by new technology,” said Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatîi in an interview with Radio Moldova. According to the official, Moldova will acquire a modern air space monitoring system by the end of this year, and in 2024, we will also receive missiles.

“We will gradually receive anti-aircraft defense systems. These consist of various components, monitoring mechanisms, including radars and interception equipment, and missiles. The monitoring systems will be delivered by the end of this year. We will also receive several interception systems,” Minister Anatolie Nosatîi specified.


It should be noted that in September, the Defense Minister stated that the air space monitoring radar is purchased from the state budget funds, but he did not disclose the acquisition cost. According to the minister, other systems, such as early warning systems for potential threats, will be procured from funds provided by development partners.

Recalling that in February, President Maia Sandu requested NATO anti-aircraft defense systems during a discussion session at the Munich Security Conference, attended by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.

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