Moldova to deposit natural gas in Romanian storages

Ten million cubic metres of natural gas will be procured by SA “Energocom”, in two installments, and stored in warehouses in Romania. Such a decision was taken today, August 29, during the meeting of the Commission for Exceptional Situations (CSE), chaired by Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița.

Therefore, the natural gas stocks will be procured and delivered based on a framework contract for the sale and purchase of natural gas of the EFET type, concluded between SA “Energocom” and SA “Moldovagaz”.

For the first tranche, the purchase price will be 1458.92 dollars per 1000 m³ and will be confirmed by the delivery-acceptance deed between SA “Moldovagaz” and FJSC “Gazprom”, to which the costs of delivery through the transport system will be added of SRL “Moldovatransgaz”.

The second tranche of natural gas procurement will be carried out in September, at a preliminary price of 1881 dollars per 1000 m³, estimated according to the situation of August 26, 2022. SA “Moldovagaz” and the Public Property Agency will inform the Commission for Exceptional Situations regarding the final cost.

SA “Energocom” will store the natural gas procured in both tranches in warehouses in Romania. Until that moment, SRL “Moldovatransgaz” will ensure free storage of stocks purchased by SA “Energocom”.

At the same time, the CSE members decided to allocate 322 million lei from the state budget to the “Energocom” Joint Stock Company, in order to increase the share capital. The transfer of financial means will be ensured by the Ministry of Finance, at the request of the Public Property Agency.


SA “Energocom” will submit to the National Commission of the Financial Market the documents regarding the additional issue of shares, for notification and making the corresponding entries in the Register of securities issuers. SA “Depozitarul Central Unic al Valorilor Mobiliare” will not charge commissions for the registration of securities in the framework of the additional issue of shares of SA “Energocom”.

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