Moldova will be able to strengthen its civil protection capacities with the help of the EU and the World Bank

On February 29th, the European Commission unveiled a new financial support initiative aimed at bolstering disaster prevention and preparedness efforts both within the EU and beyond, with a particular focus on Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

Known as the Technical Assistance Financing Facility for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness (TAFF), this initiative operates within the framework of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM). TAFF is designed to fund projects, conduct studies, and provide training specifically geared towards enhancing disaster and climate resilience. Moreover, it facilitates the exchange of knowledge among participating countries to strengthen disaster risk management practices, euneighbourseast reports.

Implementation of TAFF activities will be overseen by the World Bank, with funding provided by the European Commission. For its inaugural year in 2024, TAFF has been allocated an initial budget of €6 million.


This financial instrument is poised to significantly enhance the technical capabilities of civil protection authorities, enabling them to proactively prevent disasters and respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

Eligible beneficiaries of TAFF include EU Member States, as well as participating states of the UCPM (such as Moldova and Ukraine). Additionally, Georgia and Kosovo are included in recognition of their ongoing endeavors to align with UCPM standards.

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