Moldova will buy electricity from Romania, at a price of 90 euros per MWh

SA Energocom has signed a new contract for the sale and purchase of electricity for January 2023 with SN Nuclearelectrica SA from Romania, which provides for the purchase of 10 MWh band at night and 30 MWh band during the day.

The price of energy, according to this contract, is 450 RON/MWh (90 euros MWh), announces the state company Energocom.

As a result, it is forecasted that of the total electricity consumption requirement for the right bank of the Dniester, in January, about 60% will be provided by MGRES, about 30% will be the electricity produced by CETs and from renewable sources. Another approximately 10% of what is needed will be procured from suppliers in Romania, including to cover the energy deficit during peak hours.

According to the Provision of the Commission for Exceptional Situations, SA Energocom is authorized to procure electricity for the period January-March 2023.


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