“Moldova will live in peace, alongside victorious Ukraine.” Maia Sandu’s message, one year after the invasion

President Maia Sandu published a strong message of support for the Ukrainian people, one year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“There is no greater pain than losing a loved one. There is no greater injustice than to be invaded and killed in your own home, where you live your life peacefully and beautifully. Out of love for their people and country, Ukrainians stood up, overcame their fears, and became invincible. We stand with the Ukrainian people in their struggle for a free and dignified life. Ukrainians want peace. Moldovans want peace. Everyone who has something holy and dear people wants peace. Our strength comes from love and unity. Let’s take care of each other, take care of the country, and stand in solidarity with the Ukrainians who are fighting for their lives and for the freedom of the entire continent. I thank all those who lend a helping hand and contribute to the victory of good over evil. Ukraine will win! Peace will win! Moldova will live in peace, alongside victorious Ukraine, in the family of free European countries. Слава України!” wrote Maia Sandu on Facebook.


Today, President Vladimir Zelenski will hold a press conference entitled: “February. The year of invincibility”.

On February 24, Russia launched a war against Ukraine, after months of gathering more than 150,000 troops and military equipment near Ukraine’s borders, which it has encircled on three sides.

What was believed to be an aggression to finally capture the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the east of the country turned into an all-out war, in which Russia attacked not only Ukraine’s military infrastructure but also civilian areas in the cities – hospitals, schools, residential buildings.

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