Moldovan companies sold spare parts for Russian airplanes: government reaction

According to Radio Free Europe’s investigative journalism, some Moldovan companies supplied in 2022-2023 sold about $15 million worth of airplane components to Russia. Government spokesman Daniel Voda commented on the information.

“The authorities reacted immediately as soon as an international investigation came to light last August, and the cases reported are being investigated both by national specialized agencies and through international cooperation. To avoid evading the international sanctions to which our country has acceded, the government has accelerated the work to comply with the sectoral sanctions and will do so consistently in the future,” Voda said.

He also said that “Moldova continues to support Ukraine in the brutal war against the Russian Federation.”


We shall remind you that according to Radio Free Europe, the Moldovan companies Airrock Solutions, Maxjet Service and Aerostage Services supplied spare parts to the Russian airlines Pobeda, Rossiya, and several firms linked to S7 Airlines.

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