Moldovan Foreign Ministry denied information about the extradition of Ukrainians to their homeland

The Moldovan Foreign Ministry has denied the information that Chisinau intends to extradite Ukrainian citizens to their home country.

Earlier, the Ukrainian ambassador to Moldova, Marko Shevchenko, who completed his mandate, said in an interview with TV8 channel that Kyiv was engaged in a dialog with Chisinau on the return of Ukrainian evaders who had been denied asylum in the republic. Later, several Telegram channels in Moldova spread the information that Foreign Minister Mihai Popsoi said that Chisinau had agreed to extradite draft-age men who had fled from Moldova to Kyiv.

“This statement promotes fictitious facts related to the extradition of citizens and refers to topics that do not exist in the dialog and bilateral relations between Moldova and Ukraine. Popsoi never made such a statement,” reads the statement published on the official website of the Moldovan Foreign Ministry.


Moldova opened more than 130 centers for refugee accommodation after the start of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. According to the Moldovan border police, about 1.4 million Ukrainians passed through the republic, most of whom went to EU countries or returned home. More than 110,000 people requested asylum in Moldova.

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