Moldovan journalist Gheorghe Marzencu launched a book at the National Library

The publicistic and documentary novel, “Prutul trece prin Chișinău” (“Prut Passes through Chisinau”), authored by journalist, writer, publicist, and historian Gheorghe Marzencu, was launched at the National Library of Moldova (NLM). The event was hosted by the NLM in collaboration with the Alexandru Mosanu Historians’ Association from Moldova and the Union of Professional Journalists of Romania.

In conversation with MOLDPRES, Gheorghe Marzencu elucidated that the novel traverses approximately 80 years of history, commencing from a pivotal moment in Romanian history – June 1941. The characters within the narrative encompass a spectrum of individuals, including representatives of the political establishment, intellectuals, civic activists, ordinary citizens, and contemporaries. Through temporal shifts, the author also intertwines figures from the past, thus projecting towards the future.

Offering insight into the novel’s significance, Romanian writer and PhD in theology, Andrei Dirlau, who authored the book’s foreword, likened the narrative to a profound depiction of historical truth. “This exceptional book presents a narrative of Romanian history encapsulated in its symbolic title – ‘Prut Passes through Chisinau’. It symbolizes an unseen, immaterial, and subtle portrayal of the Prut River,” remarked Andrei Dirlau.

The volume comprises 208 pages and has been printed in a limited edition of 250 copies.


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