Moldovan Migration Bureau official arrested for facilitating illegal transit of Ukrainians

Officers of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases have charged a regional employee of the Migration Bureau with organizing the illegal transit of two Ukrainians in October 2022 through Moldova.

According to the case file, the man was part of a criminal group. The authorities convicted two members of this group in November 2023. Then prosecutors sought confiscation of illegal income of more than 100 thousand lei. They charged a fee of 2 thousand euros for assistance in crossing the border and an additional 350 euros for providing an official stamp of entry into the country.

In addition to his overall contribution to the criminal group, prosecutors accuse the Bureau employee of transporting two Ukrainians from Cahul to the crossing point from Moldova to Romania. He also instructed the Ukrainians on how to cross the next border.


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