Moldovans celebrate international women’s day

International Women’s Day is celebrated annually on March 8 – a holiday commemorating women’s social, political, and economic achievements and the fight against discrimination and violence against them.

International Women’s Day was adopted in 1977 by a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly. The UN first celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8 in 1975 — International Women’s Year.

Women’s Day was first celebrated on February 28, 1909, in New York to commemorate a women’s union strike in 1908. In August 1910, on the occasion of the Socialist International meeting in Copenhagen, the German socialist activist Luise Zietz and her colleague Clara Zetkin proposed the celebration of International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day was celebrated for the first time on March 19, 1911.


Beginning in 1913, women in Russia started to celebrate Women’s Day on the last Sunday of February, according to the old-style calendar. In 1917, the last Sunday of February in the Julian calendar coincided with March 8 in the Gregorian calendar.

Currently, March 8 is an occasion of joy and indulgence for all women, who receive flowers and various gifts. March 8 is the day of femininity, beauty, and love, the day when the woman is at the center of attention, it is celebrated by children, husbands, and friends. The woman, the delicate, sensitive being is the one who gives life, and maybe that’s why, in difficult moments, she proves to be stronger than the man.

In the Republic of Moldova, March 8 is officially declared a holiday, and Moldovans do not go to work on that day, They spend the day with their loved ones.

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