Must participate: The government specifies when the population census will take place in Moldova

The Population and Housing Census will be held in Moldova from April 8 to July 7, 2024. Such events are organized once in 10 years by the National Bureau of Statistics. This was announced at a briefing by the press secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers, Daniel Voda.

He explained that during this period, volunteers will collect information about family members (for example: year and place of birth, place of residence, language spoken, level of education, occupation) and housing (for example: water and sewage supply, heating method, area, etc.).

As the spokesperson emphasized, the data collected contributes to a better understanding of the community and its needs, forming the basis of development projects at local and national levels.


“The census responds to the most important questions of the country’s socio-economic planning, such as budget allocation, construction of educational and health facilities, redesign of public transportation, etc.,” said Daniel Voda.

He also emphasized that participation in the census is mandatory under the Law on Population and Housing Census, and the data provided are confidential and protected by the legislation in force.

Naponi said that the last population census in Moldova took place in 2014.

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