Mystery revealed: Find out why the musicians came out in black to perform on the streets of Chișinău!

The short films that appeared last week in the virtual space, featuring several instrumentalists performing classical music in the center of the capital, are part of a flashmob organized to give value to this genre of music and thus invite music enthusiasts to the gala evening of the International VinOpera Festival. Castel Mimi announces this on its Facebook page.

“We were delighted to see that the performance of classical music on the street stopped the passersby in their tracks. People immortalized the moment and expressed their appreciation through applause,” it is stated in the text published on the Castel Mimi page.

The Chief Conductor of the National Philharmonic Orchestra, Mihai Agafița, along with his colleagues, performed “Carmen Fantasy” in four locations – three in Chișinău and one at Castel Mimi, the host of the event, where the climax of the VinOpera Festival will take place on September 1st.

On the first day of autumn, you are expected to attend a grand concert performed by over 60 artists and musicians from the Republic of Moldova and Romania. Two orchestras, led by Romanian conductor Daniel Jinga, will be synchronized with the opera soloists’ voices from Bucharest and Chișinău – Iordache Basalic, Mădălina Barbu, Lilia Istratii, and Dumitru Mîțu.

If you haven’t reserved tickets yet, you need to hurry, as the number of seats is limited.

We remind you that the VinOpera International Classical Music Festival will take place from August 30th to September 1st, and Realitatea is the general media partner of the event. Follow us to stay up to date with all the organizational details.

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