It concerns “Bride’s Pie,” “Ghițman,” “Sheatfish Rasol,” “Fish Plachie,” and “Borș with Burecheți.” These have been registered with the State Agency for Intellectual Property, obtaining the status of Guaranteed Traditional Specialties. They were registered with AGEPI by the “Lower Nistru – Native Homeland” Association.
- “Plăcinta miresei” is a delicious combination of baked dough and filling made from cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, and salt, having a fine and layered texture. It’s traditionally baked in an oven. It can be served with sour cream, plain yogurt, or fruit yogurt, buttermilk, “chișleag” (a traditional Moldovan beverage), or cold non-alcoholic drinks.

2.“Ghițman” is another guaranteed traditional specialty, made from leavened dough and filled with diced potatoes, pork cracklings, onions, and salt. The smell and flavor are pleasant, characteristic of the combination of baked potatoes with cracklings and onions. Ghițman is usually baked in an oven.

3.“Rasol de șuvai” impresses with its pronounced sweet-sour taste, achieved through the combination of Nistru sheatfish and vegetables. It has the appearance of a clear reddish broth, enriched with cooked fish and vegetables, retaining the specific flavor of the fish and spices.
4.“Plachie de pește” is a dish that combines fish (catfish, pike, carp) from the Nistru River with vegetables, resulting in a pleasant flavor characteristic of braised dishes.

5.“Borșul cu burecheți” is a traditional choice that offers a pleasant natural taste, provided by the combination of a vegetable broth, pork “burecheți” (small meat-filled dumplings), and unleavened dough with eggs. It has a pronounced sweet-sour taste due to the presence of tomato juice and traditional sour brine.

All these dishes have been registered with the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) and have obtained the status of Guaranteed Traditional Specialties (STG). They were registered at AGEPI by the Association “Nistrul de Jos – Meleag Natal.”
By obtaining the STG certificate, these specialties are not only officially recognized but also protected against unauthorized use, thus contributing to the preservation of the authenticity of Moldovan cuisine.
Currently, in the Republic of Moldova, there are seven protected indigenous designations of origin, eleven protected indigenous geographical indications, and six guaranteed traditional indigenous specialties.