Natalia Gavrilița attended the inauguration of the Holocaust Victims’ monument

A monument built in memory of the Holocaust victims was inaugurated in Orhei. The Prime Minister, Natalia Gavrilița, attended the event together with the Minister of Culture Sergiu Prodan. The work was built on the Alley of Monuments on Vasile Lupu Street in Orhei.
In her speech, the Head of Government condemned the atrocities of the past and the suffering to which innocent people were subjected.

“World War II brought so much misery and destruction that many thought it would be the last for mankind. Unfortunately, not all of them learned the lessons of that war. One of the most devastated groups was that of the Jewish and Romani minorities, for whom the Nazis implemented the odious final solution, which also affected our country. Thousands of Jews and Romani were evicted from their homes, shot or sentenced to certain death by inhuman marches to concentration camps, “said Gavrilița.

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Natalia Gavrilița also spoke about the role of symbols and historical buildings in educating the young generation.

“The dark pages of history must not be hidden under the rug of silence. We need to talk to each other about the good times and the bad. We must pass on the lessons of the history of the younger generations. The violent impulse, which unfortunately is in many of us, must be neutralized with the power of reason, with the power of goodness and wisdom. Public monuments have a special role in educating the new generations, in establishing uplifting symbols that define the whole society “, the prime minister also declared.

According to historical data, approximately 4,000 Jews in Orhei district were victims of the 1941-1945 genocide.

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