NATO urged Moscow to withdraw peacekeepers from Transnistria

The Alliance called the Russian Federation to withdraw its military contingents from the territory of the Republic of Moldova. This was stated in the joint declaration adopted by the member countries on the first day of the summit in Vilnius.

The NATO member countries declared their firm support for “the right of Moldova to determine the future of its country and foreign policy without outside interference.”

“We reiterate our support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized borders and call on Russia to withdraw all of its forces stationed in the Transnistrian region without Moldova’s consent. We stand firm in our support for Moldova’s right to decide its future and foreign policy course free from outside interference and fully respect Moldova’s constitutional neutrality. NATO is stepping up political and practical support to strengthen its resilience and uphold its political independence in light of the deteriorating security environment.


Allies welcome Moldova’s efforts to promote democratic reforms and are committed to supporting Moldova as it advances its European integration. NATO will continue to provide practical assistance through the enhanced Defence Capacity Building Package, as Moldova works to strengthen its security and defense capabilities and modernize its Armed Forces”, NATO said.

Russian peacekeepers were deployed in the combat zone on July 29, 1992, by the Agreement on the Principles of the Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict in the Transnistrian Region of Moldova, signed on July 21, 1992, by the Presidents of the Russian Federation and Moldova in the presence of the leader of Transnistria.

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