Nine years without visas! How many Moldovans traveled to the European Union with a biometric passport

Almost 2.5 million Moldovans have traveled to the countries of the European Union with the biometric passport, after the liberalization of the visa regime nine years ago. According to statistical data, during this period, the state border was crossed by Moldovans more than 13 million times.

On April 28, 2014, following a long and complex process, the European Union lifted the short-stay visa regime for Moldovans who hold biometric passports.

In nine years, the citizens of the Republic of Moldova have traveled freely for purposes of tourism or work in the countries of the Union, and from year to year, the number of citizens who benefit from the liberalized visa regime is continuously increasing, the Border Police of the Republic of Moldova informs.

Leușeni-Albita, the most requested border crossing point

In the nine years, on the way out of the Republic of Moldova towards the European Union, the most crossed border crossing point was LeuÈ™eni – Albita, the border police fixing a number of 4 999 591 crossings/persons, followed by Sculeni – 2 765 182 passes of holders of Moldovan biometric passports. In the other border crossing points, the following were registered:

  • Border checkpoint Cahul – Oancea – 1 559 490 passenger crossings;
  • Border checkpoint Chisinau International Airport – 1,377,430 passenger passes;
  • Border checkpoint GiurgiuleÈ™ti-GalaÈ›i – 1 239 107 passenger crossings;
  • Border checkpoint CosteÈ™ti – Stânca – 1,064,254 person crossings;
  • Border checkpoint Ungheni – IaÈ™i – 160,457 passenger crossings;
  • Border checkpoint Lipcani – RădăuÈ›i Prut – 121,594 passenger crossings.

The Republic of Moldova-European Union dialogue on the liberalization of the visa regime was launched on June 15, 2010, and the Action Plan was offered to our country on January 24, 2011.

On November 27, 2013, the European Commission proposed the liberalization of the visa regime for citizens of the Republic of Moldova. This confirmed that the Republic of Moldova fulfilled all the conditions of the Action Plan and was supported by the EU Council on December 20 and the European Parliament on February 27, 2014. Starting from April 28, 2014, citizens of the Republic of Moldova can travel without visas to the EU.

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