Nosatii is seeking allies for the country. Moldova and the Netherlands have agreed to cooperate in the field of defence

Moldova and the Netherlands have signed a letter of intent to strengthen their cooperation in the field of defence. An agreement in this area will follow.

During the visit of the Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Kajsa Ollongren, to Chisinau, the letter was signed by Antolie Nosatii, as reported by IPN. During the joint press statements, the Moldovan official expressed the authorities’ desire to enhance the country’s resilience, counter hybrid threats, and modernise defence capabilities.

The Minister stated that Minister Ollongren’s visit demonstrates the Netherlands’ commitment to the security and well-being of the Republic of Moldova as a democratic country.

“During the discussion, we addressed our requirements for implementing the long-term National Development Plan. This plan includes the modernisation of military equipment and techniques. We discussed your country’s potential contribution to the modernisation process. To fulfil our constitutional missions and contribute to international peacekeeping efforts, we aim to achieve defence capabilities that meet European standards while also becoming resilient to the hybrid challenges facing our country,” said Nosatii.


Kajsa Ollongren praised the path of reforms in the Republic of Moldova and reiterated the support of the EU and NATO. The minister also mentioned the support for Moldova’s cyber defence and the challenges it is facing.

“We are committed to further bilateral and multilateral development to demonstrate our willingness to cooperate. The discussion centred on the threat of hybrid warfare emanating from Russia. Our commitment to assisting remains unchanged. Since 2022, the Cybersecurity Team has been providing support to the Republic of Moldova, and this assistance will continue. The government will also continue to cooperate with and strengthen resilience in the EU political mission. Moldova is currently facing numerous challenges, which it must confront,” mentioned Ollongren.

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