Opinion: The status of neutrality does not provide security guarantees to Moldova, NATO does

The representative of the DA Platform, Chiril Moțpan, claims that joining NATO would provide the Republic of Moldova with a security umbrella. On the other hand, the representative of the Civic Congress, Iurie Muntean, says that preserving the neutrality of the Republic of Moldova should represent the basic priority of the government, given that most of the citizens do not want to join a military alliance, notes ipn.md.

NATO is a military alliance that ensures the security of the whole of Europe, and for the Republic of Moldova it would represent a stabilizing factor, says Chiril Moțpan. According to the politician, the status of neutrality does not ensure the security of the country, especially in the conditions of the presence of the Russian army on the left of the Dniester.

“The Republic of Moldova, being in this geopolitical context, suffers. It is clear that the notion of neutrality cannot protect us from the possibility of military actions, and this was demonstrated by the missiles that flew over our space, fragments of missiles fell, creating fear among the population. NATO would mean a stabilizing element and demonstrated this in the European space. We have a foreign army on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, an army of an aggressor state. In 1994, this term of neutrality was introduced in the Constitution, but even today it has not helped us to get rid of the foreign army from our territory”, said Chiril Moțpan in the program “La 360 de grade” from Radio Moldova.


On the other hand, the representative of the Civic Congress, Iurie Muntean, says that in the Republic of Moldova, sovereignty belongs to the people, and according to sociological research, the citizens want to preserve the status of neutrality. However, according to the politician, this statute does not exclude investments in strengthening defense capabilities.

“All real polls show that if before the war 40% of citizens supported the status of neutrality, after the events in Ukraine the share of those supporting neutrality increased to 55%. The government or the political elites when discussing this subject must not for a moment forget the provisions of the Constitution and the position of the people. We must keep this status because it also represents a source of socioeconomic development. But this does not mean that we should not modernize the army, because the army is used not only in conditions of war. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t invest in the military and improve it, but we shouldn’t give up our neutral status. Switzerland and Austria are not going to change their status? On the contrary, they fortify it”, explained Iurie Muntean.

According to the Constitution, the Republic of Moldova is a neutral state. The amendment of the supreme law can take place in the Parliament, with the votes of at least 2/3 of the deputies.

Recently, in an interview for “Politico”, President Maia Sandu mentioned that, currently, discussions are taking place, on whether the Republic of Moldova has the ability to defend itself or whether it is necessary to join a military alliance.

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