Over 20 companies have started training in the Academy of Exporters

More than 20 companies started on October 19, 2022, the training cycle organized within the “Academy of Exporters” program.

In the opening speech of the seminar, the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (CCI of the Republic of Moldova), Sergiu Harea, mentioned that one of the basic objectives of the chamber institution is to facilitate the process of training the knowledge and skills of economic agents in the field of international trade, marketing and business digitalization. All that in order to become more internationally competitive.

“Today the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova is launching the 5th edition of the Training Program “Academy of Exporters”. It is gratifying that every year the interest from the business environment in the most diverse fields (agriculture and food products, construction, engineering services, textiles, winemaking, etc.) for such training programs is increasing. At the same time, I want to encourage entrepreneurs to continue to improve their knowledge, participating in training programs, in order to be more competitive, “said Sergiu Harea.


The President of the CCI of Moldova also specified that the “Academia Exportatorilor” represents a starting point to support companies in their journey to access foreign markets. In addition to this program, the CCI of Moldova offers other services such as individual consultations for developing export strategies, identifying business partners, and developing a business plan.

International exhibitions and economic missions are also an effective tool for promotion. In the near future CCI of the Republic of Moldova will organize the exhibition with the generic name “Moldova presents” in IaÈ™i, Romania, and at the beginning of February 2023, it will relaunch the National Exhibition “Made in Moldova”.

The “Academia Exportatorilor” training program includes a series of thematic trainings related to international marketing, export customs regulations and procedures, drafting and negotiating the export contract, access to export financing sources, etc.

The seminars will be organized both online and in person, between October 19 and November 9, 2022.

Directors and commercial managers responsible for export activities in companies from any sector of the national economy participate in the training.

At the end of the course, the beneficiaries will receive certificates of participation, presentations and video recordings of the training.

Annually, within the Entrepreneurial Training Center of the CCI of the Republic of Moldova, more than 2,000 beneficiaries are trained in courses such as: EUREM – European Energy Manager; Corporate trainings; Import-export operations.

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