For several days, as long as the “Library under the tree” campaign, launched by the Government, hundreds of people came to bring good literature and entire collections of books. Students from high schools in the capital and the suburbs, as well as many employees of ministries and agencies subordinate to the Executive, joined the campaign.
Participants are convinced that reading has an important role in educating young people and helps them develop their thinking and imagination. Accompanied by her son, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Natalia Gavrilița, brought several books for children and teenagers.
“I supplemented the number of books collected during the campaign with a set of literature that marked the first years of my child’s life – stories and incidents of the most beloved heroes, but also books that I considered useful for children. I am glad that a large number of children will have access to books covering various fields: stories, aviation, robotics, encyclopedias, novels for teenagers, volumes of poems by local authors, but also prose signed by the best-known authors of universal literature. I am proud that such an initiative managed to gather so many people. In this way, I sincerely thank all the children and adults who joined the campaign”, said Natalia GavriliÈ›a.
The publications collected during the campaign will end up on the shelves of several school libraries in several localities of the country. Also, some of them will be sent to a children’s hospital.