Over 30 soldiers from the “Alexandru cel Bun” Academy are participating at an exercise in Germany

The militaries of the National Army participate, between May 22 and June 13, in the multinational exercise “Combined Resolve XVII”, held at the Multinational Center (JMRC) Hohenfels, Germany. According to the rector-commander of the “Alexandru cel Bun” Military Academy (AMFA), Colonel Anatolie Bucuci, Moldove sent over 30 officers, sergeants and students from the institution.

Moreover, the rector -comandander specified that the Moldovan military performs, in common with the subunits of the partner nations, planning missions, guard, patrol, escort, support and medical evacuation.

“The purpose of the exercise is to jointly prepare the military for international missions and to increase the level of interoperability of the subunits of the national army with those of the partner countries.”

It should be mentioned that, at the “Combined Resolve XVII” exercise, over five thousand militaries from Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Moldova, North Macedonia, Estonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Poland, Italy, Kosovo, Lithuania and the USA are trained.

The National Army of the Republic of Moldova participates in the “Combined Resolve” exercises since 2012.

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