Paula Erizanu: Moldovan food is a source of immense national pride

Moldovan cuisine and the hospitality of the Moldovan people have always glorified our country. Our compatriot, journalist Paula Erizanu, published material on the online platform of The Guardian, where she spoke about the peculiarities of Moldovan cuisine that make the people of Moldova unique.

Paula Erizanu believes that “to figure out where Moldova’s national resilience resides, you could do worse than sit down over Christmas with a bowl of hearty red borscht with pork belly and sauerkraut (in the north) or sparrow fricassee (a specialty of the south) and a plate of domcă (festive brioche with walnut) or plachie (rice pudding) for dessert.” “Moldovan food is a source of immense national pride,” the author said.


Paula Erizanu felt a longing for Moldovan cuisine when she moved to London in 2012 and could not find the food she used to cook for her grandmother in Moldova. Her mother decided that the traditional heritage of Moldovan cuisine should not be ignored.

“My mother grew up on her mother’s and grandmother’s traditional cooking. So when she set out this year to document Moldova’s food identity, she travelled the length and breadth of the country in search of recipes that predated the Soviet influence and which are in danger of dying out, ” Paula Erizanu writed.

About what unique recipes managed to collect the mother of the author of the material, you can read by clicking on the link.

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