PLDM asks Sandu to abandon the pro-European referendum: We rely on reason and awareness

The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM) has requested that Maia Sandu and the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) refrain from pursuing a referendum on the country’s accession to the European Union. The lack of social cohesion poses a risk of election failure, according to party representatives.

According to party representatives, holding the referendum would be “irrational” due to the societal division caused by PAS-promoted policies.

” Moldovan President Maia Sandu should be aware that European integration is a serious affair. The integration into the European Union is a complex and long-term process that requires a serious and responsible approach. It involves profound transformations in all areas of society. The prospect of integration should not be considered a trivial matter or a political game. The PLDM reminds the government that the Republic of Moldova is already in the process of European integration. Therefore, organizing a referendum on this subject is both unnecessary and risky,” Liberal Democrats say.

The PLDM suggests that the head of state should be aware of the risks of interference from other unfriendly states or organized groups in the upcoming elections. According to party members, these actions could threaten the integrity and sovereignty of the country.


” We once again urge for rationality and consideration of the potential outcomes in the highly probable event of the planned referendum’s failure, and this will mean blocking the European integration process, keeping Moldova in a grey area, and depriving citizens of any chance of a decent living in a functioning democratic state. (…) The call is reiterated for the government to cease holding this referendum. (…) The responsibility for organizing such a process lies with Parliament, not the Presidency. Respecting democratic procedures and avoiding unilateral decisions is crucial to safeguarding the future of our country. The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova calls for responsibility, clarity, and respect for democratic values when making decisions that have a significant impact on our shared future,” the party members also note.

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