Prime Minister Dorin Recean supports President Maia Sandu’s initiative to hold a referendum

Prime Minister Dorin Recean has announced his support for President Maia Sandu’s initiative to hold a referendum on Moldova’s accession to the European Union.

“Together with President Sandu and all citizens of this country, we share a common goal: To achieve the goal of building Europe at home, the government is investing in European infrastructure in our villages and towns, creating well-paid jobs, and providing quality public services for citizens,” the Prime Minister said.

“It is the appropriate moment to unite for accession to the European Union, in support of a European Moldova. The referendum will determine the future of Moldova and confirm its commitment to the European path for generations to come,” Dorin Recean said.


The press conference was held by the head of state to address citizens and media representatives on the significance of the referendum on Moldova’s accession to the European Union.

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