PM Recean’s Brussels Visit Highlights Judiciary Reform Delays and Corruption Concerns

Prime Minister Recean acknowledges, after his visit to Brussels, that Moldova has outstanding issues in judiciary reform. The statement was made at the beginning of the cabinet meeting.

At the same time, the Prime Minister hinted that, in the context of elections, some candidates are attempting to engage in corrupt actions. However, he did not specify the names of politicians or parties suspected of such acts.

“I want to appeal to the people in the judiciary who are honest and upright to take a step forward. Everyone sees that we have corrupt individuals who, instead of being in prison, continue their corrupt activities, including in the context of the electoral process,” Recean said.

Dorin Recean was in Brussels this week. The official had several meetings with high-ranking officials, including the President of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, the EU’s Chief Diplomat, Josep Borrell, several Commissioners within the Union, and the Secretary-General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg.


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