(POLL) Moldovans see the EU as the country’s main partner: 51% would vote for integration in the referendum

Moldovans consider EU Member States Moldova’s main trading partner and most important development partner. The data are the results of a survey conducted by the Institute for European Policy and Reform in cooperation with CBS-AXA.

According to the data, about 66% of citizens are willing to participate in the referendum on European integration. At the same time, 51% would vote for Moldova to join the European Union if the referendum were next Sunday.

More than 26% of Moldovans anticipate that Moldova will finalize EU accession negotiations within 5-6 years. Around 20% expect the process to conclude in about ten years, while approximately 24% believe it will take more time.


Over 51% of Moldovans consider EU member states as Moldova’s main trading partner. Ukraine ranks second, Russia third, followed by Turkey.

At the same time, more than 53% of citizens believe that the EU is Moldova’s main development partner. The Russian Federation comes second and the USA third.

The survey was conducted face-to-face from June 28 to July 18, 2024, nationwide, excluding the Transnistrian region, on a sample of 1119 respondents aged 18 years and older. The sample is representative of the adult population of the Republic of Moldova, with a maximum error of +/- 2.9%.

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