Roman Mihăeș on Moldova becoming EU member state by 2030

Roman Mihăeș, a well-known political commentator, believes that the Republic of Moldova can become a member of the European Union by the year 2030. He made this statement during an interview on the popular show “Ora Expertizei,” as reported by

According to Mihăeș, the number one objective of Moldova and its current government is to open negotiations with the European Union. If this goal can be achieved, the objective of European integration by 2030 seems to be a realistic one. He emphasized that 2030 is not an unrealistic objective, given the change in the European Union’s perspective on the integration process of Moldova and Ukraine into the EU family, following the war initiated by Russia in its neighboring state.

Mihăeș also highlighted the need for Moldova to focus on the necessary reforms to the judiciary system as demanded by the EU. He stated that the Union understands that it is somewhat in a race against the bloody events in Ukraine, and the Moldovan government must work towards achieving certain results where the EU demands it.


In March, the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, urged all forces to put the country’s accession to the EU above narrow interests and to support this path unconditionally in a speech delivered to Parliament. She emphasized that Moldova must be a member state of the EU by 2030.

Sandu’s vision for the country’s future is consistent with Mihăeș’s opinions, and many believe that Moldova is taking significant steps toward European integration. The government’s efforts towards reforms and the opening of negotiations with the EU could pave the way for the country’s accession to the European Union by 2030.

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