Romania donated medical equipment to the Moldovan National Army

In the context of preventing and combating infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Government of Romania donated a batch of protective medical equipment to the National Army.

The medical supplies include 1,000 visors, 9,000 glove boxes, 2,000 plastic protective glasses, 3 million surgical masks, as well as 500,000 protective masks.

The Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi thanked the Romanian state for the important support given to the National Army by donating this batch of protective medical equipment.


At the same time, the official mentioned that Romania, within the framework of the strategic partnership with the Republic of Moldova, has unconditionally granted several aids of this kind to our country since the beginning of the pandemic period, in order to strengthen the healthcare system of the Republic of Moldova.

The Ambassador of Romania in Chisinau, H.S. Cristian-Leon Èšurcanu declared that this lot is part of the constant and consistent support that Romania gives to the Republic of Moldova in several fields, including the defense one.

“I hope that this assistance will be really useful and I am very confident that the assistance coming from Bucharest for the Republic of Moldova will not stop here.”

The total amount of the donation is over 7 million Romanian lei (the approximate equivalent of 30 million MDA lei). The batch of medical goods is to be distributed to the Central Military Clinical Hospital and the Material Reserve Agency.

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