RUPOR.MD: Abram Neiman from Orhei glorified Moldova for centuries

Moldova has always been famous for talented people who glorified it and continue to do so until now. Thanks to their talent, our homeland became known to the whole world. Today we will talk about Abram Neiman, who was born in Moldova, but has achieved success abroad, writes

Many people know the name of Abram Neumann, an outstanding German and French inventor and entrepreneur. However, few people know that the creator of anti-theft agents, known throughout the world for his discoveries, is our compatriot.

He was born on May 5, 1893 in Orhei. Then it was the Kishinev district, Bessarabian province. The family brought up four children.

From a young age, Abram was fond of the exact sciences, especially mathematics, physics and mechanics. After graduating from school in Chisinau in 1912, he entered the University of Toulouse as an engineer. After the outbreak of hostilities in 1914, he was placed under arrest in Germany as a Russian citizen. He was released four years later and returned to his homeland. Then Bessarabia became part of Romania.


Even before his arrest in Germany, he began racing motorcycles. After his release and moving to Cologne in 1922, Neumann bought himself such a two-wheeled vehicle. Later it was stolen, which led Abram to develop an anti-theft system for motorcycles, which included steering wheel lock and turning off the ignition and starter. In 1931, he applied for a patent for the invention. His equipment was adapted for most types of motorcycles that existed at that time. After that, Neumann decided to make a similar device for cars. Soon he patented it too.

He later designed a three-wheeled vehicle. Admittedly, the project was too revolutionary to be appreciated at the time and was not carried out on a large scale.

During the war, Neumann fled to France, where he married. In Germany, he left all his developments and projects. After the end of the war, he founded the design bureau Simplex, which developed parts for Renault, Peugeot and Simca, and in 1950, the Parisian company Klaxon.

By the early 1960s, his systems were installed on more than 30 million vehicles assembled worldwide. In 1965, the number of Neiman mechanisms integrated into automotive products reached 40 million. At the time, the company that bears his name was producing over 5,000 anti-theft devices and 15,000 ignition switches a day.

In the same year, Neumann was awarded the French Legion of Honor.

Abram Neiman died in 1967, he was 74 years old. The legacy of the famous inventor is continued by his daughter Nadia Neumann, who in 2006 published a book about his life.

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