Spinu: Russia wants to keep Moldova under control. This is what they always wanted

Andrei Spînu, the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Moldova, said on Wednesday evening, on Digi24, that “Russia wants to keep the Republic of Moldova under control, so that it can promote its own interests.” “It is obvious that we were in Moscow’s sights all the time and nothing has changed in the last 30 years,” added Spînu.

“The situation (with Transnistria – ed.) is complicated and it is obvious that we, both at the Government and at the Presidency, are very seriously analyzing all the risks from this perspective.

The truth is that for 30 years not much has been invested in the military capabilities of our country. Obviously, only now there are attempts being made to equip the army so that we are ready for challenges. The message of the current government is that we want peace and we will do everything in our power to preserve this peace, which is necessary for our country.”


The citizens of the Republic of Moldova, neither on the left bank, nor on the right bank of the Dniester, do not want war, no matter how many Russian soldiers are in Transnistria.

It is obvious that the Republic of Moldova has been in Moscow’s sights all along, and nothing has changed in the last 30 years, to be very honest. Russia wants to keep the Republic of Moldova under control, so that it can promote its own interests, and not the interests of our population.

We see very clearly that elements of hybrid warfare are being used, including propaganda, funding of certain opposition political parties, all kinds of provocations in different areas of the country, including the energy crisis generated by Gazprom.

So this is all part of that hybrid war that we believe Russia is waging in our country. This they have always wanted, it is not something new, but now it is sharpening, taking into account what we see happening in Ukraine.

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