Tag: romanian

The portrait of the woman in the Romanian magazines from the ’ 50s – images that reflect the ideals and stereotypes of the past

Make a foray into the 1950s and explore the representation of women in Romanian magazines through a series of images in the archive. We selected photos that bring to light how the...

Free Romanian language courses, offered by the Ministry of Education

From 2023, adults will also be able to learn the Romanian language at free courses offered by the Ministry of Education, writes President Maia Sandu on her <a href="http://<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmaia.sandu%2Fposts%2Fpfbid0kcVHDvXtryywZ1gfX4kZM5JoJxJXRbwvUdg2Jhod259ZhqCAqZbt19X77SC6MsT4l&show_text=true&width=500" width="500" height="629"...

Romanian lessons for the refugees. Easier integration and more opportunities!

Knowing the language of the country you live in means feeling safe, being able to communicate your needs and integrate into society easier. The refugees from Ukraine know this truth very well...

Scholarships for Moldovan students who study in Romania will be increased

The Plenary Session of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies adopted, on Wednesday, May 5, a draft law establishing that Romanians from abroad studying in state faculties in the country can receive scholarships...


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