The ambassadors of the EU countries in Brussels approved the sanctions against Shor and Plahotniuc: what will follow?

The ambassadors of the EU countries in Brussels approved today the introduction of a new sanctions regime against five politicians and businessmen from the Republic of Moldova and Russia who destabilize the situation in the Republic of Moldova, Radio Moldova informs.

We are talking about the leader of the SHOR party Ilan Shor; the deputy of the same party Marina Tauber; the fugitive businessman and former politician Vlad Plahotniuc; the leader of the Building Europe at Home party Georg Kavkalyuk and the Russian businessman Igor Chaika, who is considered a close associate of the former president, leader of the Socialist Party Igor Dodon.

“Today, one can say, an official decision was made on these sanctions, formally the decision will be made on Wednesday, before the summit in Chisinau, and from that moment, the application will begin,” said Romanian MEP and one of the authors of the initiative, Vlad Gheorghe.

The MP specified that the value of the assets located in the EU of these five people is several hundred million euros, and the sanctions list can be expanded.

“The procedure is immediate from the moment the legal norm comes into force, the European authorities begin to implement it. Blocking is almost instantaneous in all banking institutions. There is no chance that anything will be overlooked,” said Vlad Gheorghe.

The MEP does not rule out that these people no longer have assets and bank accounts in the EU.

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