SGPS EXCLUSIVE details: How the 50 leaders will be guarded in Bulboaca

Instability and the war at the border are the main challenges of the State Guard Protection Service in the context of ensuring security during the European Political Community Summit. Specialists told Realitatea that other related risks are propaganda and hybrid influence.

Groups of specialists from all law enforcement agencies were created to confront. They are responsible for checking, monitoring, assessing and analyzing risks, as well as cooperating with the security agencies of other states.

“The Service maintains an open dialogue and direct exchange of information with foreign security officers, who, together with the SGPS, will provide security for high-ranking officials from abroad during the event, in order to counter any actions and provocations that could threaten life, physical integrity, freedom of action, and health of persons under the protection of the state,” the press service of the SGPS reported.

So far, no risks have been identified. As part of the Association of Personal Protection Services (APPS), which includes 53 similar services, as well as a regional cooperation protocol signed between the security services of Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Georgia and Lithuania, officials from the Republic of Moldova constantly exchange experiences, study tours, trainings in areas relevant to protection activities and cooperation in the context of the EPC summit further contribute to the harmonization of standards.

“The extensive experience of foreign colleagues and the exchange of information contribute to the development and strengthening of institutional capacity and bringing it into line with the highest European security standards. We note that we have significant support for the organization of the Summit from our colleagues from Romania, who have extensive experience in this area, namely: organizing the security of the NATO Summit in 2008, the visit of Pope Francis in 2019, as well as the meeting of NATO and allies in Bucharest in 2022”.

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