The cabinet will ask parliament to extend the state of emergency

The government will go to Parliament again to ask for the extension of the state of emergency. The announcement was made by Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița, on Vocea Basarabiei television station.

The head of the cabinet stated that the state of emergency will be extended as long as the war in Ukraine lasts.


“For now, we continue to face the risk of the war and these bombings that take place regularly, and anyway we are in a difficult situation in terms of energy, because the contract we have with Gazprom is not respected. We get much less resources than the usual amount. There continue to be risks that would require the quick and urgent intervention of the Government”, declared the Prime Minister.

The Gavrilița Government first instituted the state of emergency in 2021, when the gas crisis began. Later, on February 24, when the war in Ukraine began, the Cabinet of Ministers came to the Parliament to ask again for the establishment of the state of emergency, which has been going on for almost a year.

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