The CEC has approved the design of the ballot for the referendum. It will include the draft amendment to the Constitution

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has approved the design of the ballot for the referendum on Moldova’s EU accession. The referendum will be held on October 20, concurrently with the presidential elections.

The length of the ballot will be 330 millimeters. Its width will be 160 millimeters, and the color will be purple. The ballot will include the text from the draft law for amending the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.

At the bottom left, the ballot will feature the question, “Do you support the amendment of the Constitution for Moldova’s accession to the European Union?” To the right of the text, two horizontal boxes will be printed with the options “YES” and “NO.” Below these boxes will be two circles where voters will place the stamp with the inscription “Voted.”


As of September 10, 2024, according to CEC data, six electoral contestants are registered to participate in the referendum. The Communist Party, “Renastere,” and “Chance” will choose “No.” The Green Ecologist Party, the Respect Moldova Movement, and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe have opted for “Yes.”

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