The CEC reminds about the possibility of requesting to vote at one’s location on election day

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) reminds voters that they can request to vote at their location during the constitutional referendum and the presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova.

According to electoral legislation, a voter who cannot go to the polling station due to health issues or other valid reasons can request mobile voting. Requests must be submitted in writing by 2:00 PM before voting. On voting day, authorities will approve the requests until 2:00 PM upon presenting a medical certificate.

“People who can’t submit their request for voting at their location can have a family member do it for them or ask a social worker at the local municipality for help. If voters can’t sign the request because of a physical disability, illness, or other valid reasons, they can verbally submit it at the polling station. If they can’t do that, they can call to submit the request.

On election day, the president of the electoral office at the polling station designates at least two of the office members to go to the voter’s location with a mobile voting urn and the necessary voting materials so the voter can cast their vote. This year, to better ensure the secrecy of voting at the voter’s location, the CEC has created special booths for secret voting,” the CEC reports.


Voting at the voter’s location can only be requested within the area of the polling station where the voter is registered at their home address.

The individuals mentioned vote according to the voter list for voting at their location, which is compiled by the electoral office of the polling station based on the submitted requests.

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