The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has started the process of verifying and confirming registration applications for mail-in voting

The Central Electoral Commission has started to verify and confirm registration applications for mail-in voting.

At this stage, the process involves identifying voters by verifying their identities using automated verification methods. The verification compares the facial features from the photo provided by the voter with the one on their identification document and with the most recent picture of the voter in the State Population Register.

When verifying identity, the electoral authority may notify voters to update their data partially or entirely to facilitate identification. The voter must update their data no later than 25 days before the election day. CEC will inform the voter about the verification results through a message sent to the provided email address, explaining any conditions that may have prevented identification.


On September 6, the period for pre-registration, including the mail-in voting option, ended. We remind you that for the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum set for October 20, 2024, mail-in voting will be available for Moldovan citizens residing in the United States, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland.

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