The demographic situation in Moldova was discussed by Prime Minister Recean and UNFPA representatives

Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Florence Bauer, UNFPA’s Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, convened to discuss Moldova’s demographic landscape and its progress toward European integration. Also present at the meeting was Karina Nersesyan, the newly appointed Resident Representative in Moldova, commencing her tenure in Chisinau on March 1, 2024.

Recean expressed gratitude for UNFPA’s support during challenging times, particularly its swift response to the refugee crisis and its contribution to building a resilient and prosperous nation. He outlined the forthcoming cooperation priorities, focusing on labor market policies, youth and elderly programs, and data-driven governance.

Bauer praised Moldova’s leadership in evidence-based demographic policies, tailored to address genuine societal needs. She reiterated UNFPA’s commitment to supporting educational, healthcare, and social reforms. Bauer also applauded Moldova’s significant strides towards European integration in recent years.


The discussion highlighted the importance of modernizing infrastructure for data collection and quality statistical production, regarding the upcoming Population and Housing Census starting on April 8, 2024.

UNFPA, as the leading UN agency on reproductive health, youth empowerment, and gender equality, operates under the Country Program signed with the Moldovan Government for 2023-2027. It plays a pivotal role in generating reliable statistical data for development purposes.

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