The era of cheap energy is over! Former director of ANRE: Waste of electricity is expensive

The Republic of Moldova is facing an unprecedented energy crisis as a result of the recorded electricity deficit. However, the authorities came up with the recommendation to save money until the problem is solved, writes

The former director of ANRE, Octavian Calmîc, declared during the show “Puterea a patra” that the authorities’ call for saving comes as a result of the way electricity prices are formed.

According to him, electricity prices are formed every 15 minutes, this is why the authorities urge us to change the culture of energy consumption within the family or company, to remove that overconsumption.

“This allows us to have a better forecast of electricity purchases and enter a lower price range when trading at the exchange price. If we will trade and procure energy during peak hours, then we have those figures that were announced, which can be 300-400 or even 500 euros”, said Calmîc.

The Extraordinary Situations Commission approved yesterday, October 25, several measures to save electricity.

Among the decisions are: the disconnection of pools, showcases, decorative, architectural and advertising lighting (interior and exterior), with the exception of company lighting.


Suspension of the operation of escalators/escalators between 07:00-11:00 and 18:00-23:00, except for those used for transporting goods and weights, as well as cases when the suspension may affect the safety of people’s lives and health.

Enterprises with an energy-intensive production process (electric furnaces, electric arc welding machines, electric melting plants) will organize the work schedule so that the processes in which the largest part of electricity is used are executed outside 07:00 hours: 00-11:00 and 18:00-23:00.

The public authorities will ensure the interruption of street lighting during the day (between the hours of 07:00-18:00).

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