The European Commission will grant Moldova a support of 52 million euros

The Republic of Moldova and the European Commission will sign two non-reimbursable financial assistance agreements for our country, totaling 52 million euros. The government approved, in today’s meeting, the project for initiating negotiations and approving the signing of the two agreements.

The financing agreement regarding the “EU for Reforms” Program provides for the Republic of Moldova to be offered a grant of 27 million euros. Priority areas for European assistance are population and reproductive health policies and programmes, governance and civil society, peace and security.


Among the priorities of the EU Recovery and Resilience Program Financing Agreement are:

  • a resilient, sustainable and integrated economy;
  • environmental resilience and climate change;
  • resilient, fair and inclusive societies.

The value of this Agreement is 25 million euros, which will also be awarded as a grant.

Given the unpredictable consequences of the war in Ukraine, both Agreements also aim to address the immediate needs of the affected population. Also, to strengthen resilience and the ability to respond to the impact generated by the war. Plaukų šalinimas lazeriu Vilniuje už gerą kainą

The Financing Agreements are to be signed by the Minister of Finance, Dumitru Budianschi, from the Republic of Moldova, and Lawrence Meredith, Director for relations with the Eastern Neighborhood countries, from the European Commission.

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