
The first oil tankers from Romania arrived in our country

The first oil tankers were delivered from Romania to replenish the state reserve. In the next period, other railway sets with fuel oil are to arrive in Chisinau. The announcement was made by the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Andrei Spînu, but also on the official website of the Government. However, no one has announced how much fuel oil has arrived in Moldova.

The spokeswoman of the prime minister, Anastasia Taburecanu, told us that she could not give us more details because the volume of fuel oil that arrived in the country is a state secret.

Previously, the Minister of Infrastructure, Andrei Spînu stated that: “on the market, the cost of fuel is 700-800 USD per ton, to which is also added the transport. For example, if we were to buy from Romania, the price including transport reaches 900-1000 USD”.


In order to ensure the fuel needed for the cold period of the year, at the last meeting on September 16, the Commission for Exceptional Situations decided that, through direct negotiations, SA “Termoelectrica” ​​will purchase and sign sales-purchase contracts of fuel, in quantity up to 190 thousand tons, after prior approval by the company’s board. The purchase made by Termoelectrica will be exempt from the payment of value added tax, excise duty and customs duty, for a period that will not exceed May 31, 2023. The transport of the quantity of fuel purchased will be ensured, on a priority basis, by ÃŽS “Calea Ferată from Moldova”, within the limit of the available fleet of tankers and locomotives.

To get out of winter, the Republic of Moldova needs about 320 thousand tons of fuel oil.

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