The first woman from Moldova! Alpinist Olga Tapordei conquered the highest point of Antarctica

Olga Tapordei, an accomplished mountaineer, has etched her name in history as the first woman from Moldova to conquer the formidable Mount Everest in May 2021. Now, she also scaled the pinnacle of Antarctica, the Vinson Massif, marking her as the first Moldovan citizen to achieve this remarkable feat.

On December 14, Tapordei proudly shared her triumphant achievement. She serves as an inspiration to others. Her remarkable journey symbolizes the power of determination and the realization that even the boldest dreams can become a reality.

“I share this victory with you, not to boast about it but to tell you – each of us can reach unexpected heights. We each have our own. I was born into a humble family, but I learned that dreams know no boundaries. They exist to be fulfilled!
First, they are dreams, then – goals, and then they are precise actions towards their realization! Today, the Moldovan tricolor is waving in the Antarctic wind on the Vinson massif, testifying that no dream is too big,” – Olga said.


Braving the harsh elements, Olga Tapordei shared on social networks that her ascent to the Vinson Massif, the highest point of Antarctica, was a challenging endeavor characterized by relentless winds and bone-chilling temperatures plummeting to -55°C. She climbed with a belief that any audacious dream could materialize.

The summit of Mount Vinson is part of the “Seven Summits” program popular among mountaineers, which involves climbing the highest peaks of all continents of the world. The height of the massif is 4,892 meters above sea level.

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