The former airport manager was in a position to cancel the tender for the airport. In what case?

Constantin Vozian, the former interim director of Chisinau Airport, resigned in early February. The commercial premises auction was ready to be suspended or cancelled if the Competition Council found that the bidding did not meet the principles of transparency, legality, and non-discrimination. The answer is in a letter written by Vozian, which probably was sent to the address of the institution to which he refers, writing journalists from

“If the Competition Council, by its attributions, expressly established by the Competition Law no. 183/2012, considers that the tender announced by Chisinau International Airport, jointly with the Public Property Agency, does not cumulatively meet the principle of transparency, legality and non-discrimination, the State Enterprise “Chisinau International Airport” is available to suspend the tender process, and if will be found that the concerns of the Competition Council are to cancel the tender,” according to a response from Vozian, dated 6 February, published by blogger Eugen Luchianiuc.

In a previous communication, representatives of the Competition Council expressed their perplexity at the stipulations outlined in the tender specifications, which they deemed opaque and questionable. The institution sent a letter to the airport management asking for an explanation of the conditions for participants.

In the letter, the Competition Council wants to see the study that led to the inclusion of the conditions in the tender specifications. It also wants to see the reasoning behind including the conditions. The candidate must have at least seven years of experience in travel-retail and catering at 10 EU airports with at least 2.5 million passengers in the last three years. They must also have managed three travel-retail and three catering premises in international airports with at least 2.5 million passengers in 3 years.


On Wednesday, 17 April 2019, the Administration of Chisinau International Airport (AIC) announced the suspension of the tender process and its subsequent relaunch. This followed the submission of a dossier by Lagardère Travel Retail, which lacked certain supporting documents deemed necessary to progress to the final stage.

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