The Minister of Defense talks about Moldova’s status of neutrality

Our neutrality status has left us alone with a defense system that is not relevant today. The statement was made yesterday by the Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi, during the show Rezoomat with Ileana Pîrgaru on RLIVE TV.

“The changes related to the war in Ukraine made us review our current status, and our preparation to face different challenges, especially in the field of defense. With regret, the field of defense was forgotten, the necessary attention was not given, there were no investments, and at the moment we have what we have. Unfortunately, we cannot meet all the challenges and threats that are present. With regret, our status of neutrality left us to be on our own”, declared Nosatîi.

We remind you that the Republic of Moldova is a neutral country, and this is provided for in the Constitution.


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