
The monograph “Deportations: the ordeal of Bessarabian families” will be launched in Chisinau

On Thursday, February 16, starting at 2:00 p.m., in the Conference Hall of the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History, the monograph “Deportations: the ordeal of Bessarabian families”, author Corneliu Prepelita, published by Lexon Prim Publishing House, will be launched.

The work includes three chapters: I – Life in the Soviet gulag; II – Deportation in memory of the people of Unghen; III – Monuments erected in memory of the deportees.

The message of the book is profound and distinct, giving posterity the truth about the past and educating the younger generation, who know very little about the ordeal that the Bessarabians went through during the Soviet era.


The author has put in assiduous work, collecting photos and documents from most of the villages in the Ungheni district, evidence in which are reflected the way of life of the deported families, the conditions of forced labor and the form of schooling of the deported children.

The research is original through the innovative approach to the theme, investigated by the author in detail, at the local level, with a maximum effort to bring out of anonymity the destinies and life histories, the circumstances in which the deportees from Siberia and Kazakhstan lived, paying tribute to the victims of the repressions political and a warning for contemporaries, so that such tragedies do not repeat themselves.

Through his work, the author provides an effective example of local research, worthy of following for historians from other localities.

With an introductory message, the historians Anatol Petrencu, Ph.D., Prof. Univ., will be present at the launch. (Faculty of History and Philosophy, State University of Moldova) and Octavian Țîcu dr., circle. st. coordinator (Institute of History, Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova).

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