The national program “CRIn”: Ethno-cultural organizations from Chisinau signed an Appeal on EU integration


Chisinau launched the national program “Consolidation of Interethnic Relations in Moldova in the Context of European Integration” (CRIn). This program organizes and holds informational, cultural, and artistic events to promote intercultural dialogue under the European Union’s official motto, “Unity in Diversity.”

The program will operate in Moldova’s predominantly minority-populated settlements and feature informative and educational events titled “Europe in My Village.” These events will present opportunities for European integration and showcase good practices in project implementation. Additionally, the program will organize joint cultural and artistic events called “My Love is Moldova,” featuring local and regional artistic bands from both minority and majority communities.

The Interethnic Relations Agency, in collaboration with ethnic and cultural organizations and with support from Moldova’s government and central and local public authorities, created and implemented the CRIn program.


“The program aims to strengthen relations and communication between ethnic communities. We will unite for Moldova’s well-being,” said Veaceslav Reabcinschii, director general of the Interethnic Relations Agency.

During the program’s presentation, leaders of ethnic and cultural organizations signed an address to Moldova’s ethnic communities regarding European Union integration. In this document, they supported Moldova’s progress toward European integration and called on political forces and civil society to cooperate toward this goal.

At the event, MP Marcela Adam, secretary of the parliament’s Commission for Culture, education, research, youth, sport, and mass media, emphasized the initiative’s alignment with the government’s commitment to community development in Moldova. “The European Union is a peace project. It will ensure our daily development. It is good that we launch this dialogue, bringing all ethnic groups together in a shared pursuit of a European Moldova,” Marcela Adam stated.

The Address highlights that European integration will enhance the protection of ethnic minorities’ rights by incorporating EU values and standards on the rule of law and human rights and combating discrimination and other forms of intolerance into national legislation.

The Address is also open for endorsement by other organizations or local public authorities representing ethnic communities.