The oldest Moldovan woman is 113 years old and lives in a foster home

In Moldova you can still find people who live more than 100 years. According to official data, in the State Register of Population there are 534 persons over 100 years of age, citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

Thus, out of these, 291 persons are registered at home on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and 243 are not registered at home / temporary residence.

The longest-living woman is 113 years old (currently, the person lives in the residential placement service located in Badiceni village, Soroca district), and the oldest man is 112 years old and lives in Corjeuţi village, Briceni district .

At the same time, the longest living person, who lived on the territory of the Republic of Moldova during the independence period, was identified as a woman registered at home in Donduseni district, Cernoleuca village. On 03.11.2006 she died, aged 117.

The process of automation of death certificates, with the updating of information in the State Register of Population was implemented in the second half of 2004, while most retirees were registered in the State Register of Population in the years 2001 – 2002 , as a result of the mass registration process based on the Soviet-type passport, with the concomitant assignment of the state identification number.

Until 2005, many of them had the opportunity to travel to the CIS countries on the basis of an old-type passport. Some have settled abroad – in their countries of origin, without being removed from the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

It should be noted that, according to the legislation, the removal from the home records of deceased persons is carried out on the basis of the death certificate or the official communication to this effect of the civil status body in the country or the competent authority abroad, sent directly to the Public Service Agency or through the Ministry of Justice or the diplomatic missions and consular posts of the Republic of Moldova, according to the obligations provided by the international agreements to which the Republic of Moldova is a party or on the basis of reciprocity.

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