The Republic of Moldova won two gold and one silver medals at the Balkan Games

Athletes Zalina Margieva, Dimitriana Bezede, and Sergey Margiyev glorified our country in the hammer throw. This was announced by the Olympic Committee of Moldova.

Moldova won three medals at the Balkan Championship in Serbia, which brought together athletes from 20 Southeast European countries. Zalina Marghieva and Dimitriana Bezede won the gold medal, and Serghei Marghiev won the silver.

Zalina recorded a result of 67.00 m and was ahead of the representative of Ukraine, Elena Khamaza (66.44 m), and Valentina Savva of Cyprus (66.24 m). And Sergey recorded the result of 73 meters and 52 cm, and for the second year in a row, he climbed to the second step of the podium at the Balkan Games.

Sergey Margiev threw about a meter less than the Greek Christos Frantseskakis (74 m 62 cm), who became the champion.

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