The second edition of the “Wolf Festival”: The album “Wild Heart”, released with the theme of returning to the origins


The second edition of the Wolf Festival has started in the rhythm of returning to the origins. The event brought together several artists from the Republic of Moldova, Calancea’s Wolves, Osoianu’s Sisters, Tudor Ungureanu and Ensemble Ștefan Vodă, maestro Nicolae Botgros, as well as Romanian-American singer Laura Bretan with Media Show Grup, album “Wild Heart” was released.

The ORIGINS project represents the cultural movement based on the idea of ​​rediscovering, modernizing and presenting in a unique way the traditions and customs inherited from our ancestors. Through art and culture, it aims to become an expression of the nation, giving us the opportunity to get closer to nature, ancestors and origins.

The organizers of the MEDIA SHOW GRUP project and Alex Calancea, Mr. Andrei Chistol, State Councilor of the Ministry of Culture under whose auspices whose second consecutive year is the project, Ion Ursache, head of the Culture and Tourism section of the Glodeni District Council, came up with more details about the project. Alexei Vidrașco, sculptor, as well as other project partners.

The program of the project is aimed at attracting Moldovans, but also tourists from abroad, in less explored areas, but with tourist potential, inspiring people to venture on hikes and let themselves be penetrated by the specifics of local life.

The Wolf Festival is a concept that includes the ancestral tradition, being the point of connection between people and above all between the feelings we have throughout life, say the organizers.

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