The security hub in Chisinau could be transformed into a European anti-warfare mechanism

According to a press release from the Ministry of the Interior from Chisinau, the Directorate General for Internal Affairs of the EU has evaluated a real-time response mechanism to protect European countries from hybrid threats generated by the Russian Federation. The Republic of Moldova is being evaluated in this context as a key element in the new architecture of European security.

According to the information note presented by Commissioner Ylva Johansson to the members of the European Union Council for Justice and Home Affairs (JHA), the Security Hub of the European Union for internal security and border management created in the Republic of Moldova last year recorded results that speak in favor of strengthening this mechanism.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova has provided relevant analytical products in the field of transnational crime, hybrid threats, and incidents posing a risk to public security in the region and in Europe. Among them is the first Moldovan Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) analysis provided to Europol.

After the analysis of the activity report for the first six months, the European officials will discuss the development proposals of the Security Hub in the next period. In the same way, a technical session will take place on the subject of the closer involvement of the Republic of Moldova in the EU’s counter-terrorism mechanisms.


At the press briefing that anticipated the fifth meeting of the EU Security Center, the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Moldova, Ana Revenco, stated that “means to increase efficiency in the fight against crime and hybrid warfare, together with several ministers of the interior of the states of the European Union and specialists of the law enforcement systems of the EU and Moldova, are developed “.

“We are identifying formats for the short and medium-term strategic construction of the Security Hub, which would become a real-time response mechanism for the protection of Europe. Moldova is already a producer of security and we are grateful to Commissioner Ylva Johansson who trusted us and counted on the power of resistance and reaction of the Republic of Moldova,” Revenco said.

The Security Hub’s agenda for 2023 includes improving the capabilities of analysis and strategic forecasting in the field of security, by capitalizing on IT and the exchange of information between the experts of the Republic of Moldova and the EU. The Hub also aims to create synergies and avoid duplication of expenditure in the field of internal affairs in the Republic of Moldova and the EU.

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